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Sunday, April 6, 2014


Discover. Play. Build.

It's been a while since I posted. However, this morning after reading a tweet by one of my favorite school librarians from MA, Jennifer Reed (@libraryreeder), I decided to join the "Celebrate This Week" movement. 

Yesterday, our state association of school librarians (CASL) partnered with CLC and Scholastic Library Publishing in order to offer an un-conference event for our members.  SHARE 2 LEARN resulted in a day of generously sharing expertise as well as challenges faced in the day to day struggles of being a school librarian.  Bill Derry from The Westport Library, kicked off our day with an awe-inspiring presentation on MAKERSPACES.  He set the stage for our event in such a way, I knew we were in for a successful day of "making" our PD sessions work for our own unique needs.

To follow some of the discussions, search our hashtags: #ctcasl or #ctcasl14.